Top 5 Keto Foods that Boost Your Milk Supply

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I am currently 9 months into my keto while breastfeeding journey. Has it been all flowers and sunshine? No. It hasn’t. This process has definitely been a labor of love. Would I do it all over again if given the opportunity? Yes. I would. I love knowing exactly what is going into my baby’s body. I love that his nutrients are coming directly from me. This is a privilege and a blessing for me. With this being said let’s get into the foods that have boosted my milk supply and kept me going in my keto journey.


Water technically isn’t a food because it doesn’t contain any calories, but I need to stress the importance of consuming water before we go any further. Remember when you were pregnant how you told everybody you were eating for two? Keep that same energy towards your water intake sis. You are drinking water for two when you breastfeed! It is recommended that you drink a half to three quarters of an ounce per pound of your body weight. This shouldn’t be hard as the hunger and thirst that hits right after a session of breastfeeding/pumping is real. Listen to your body and hydrate!


As you may have heard already on your keto journey, avocados are great source of healthy fats. Your body needs fuel for the high demand of energy required to produce milk in your body. As I mentioned before, while breastfeeding, you will experience hunger like you haven’t before. Healthy fats combat this hunger as they provide great nutrients and keep you feeling full longer. This is a win-win for your baby and your keto journey.


Eggs are superstars in the keto world. They are easy to make and are the foundation of a variety of recipes. With respect to nutrition, eggs are a great source of protein. Breastfeeding mamas should be consuming protein 2-3 times a day.  


Salmon is another great source of healthy fats and DHA. These are crucial to the proper development of your growing baby. While providing nutrients it also keeps you full longer and less prone to a cheat snack/meal on your keto journey. I eat 8-12 ounces of wild -caught salmon per week.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens were an essential part of my keto diet even before I got pregnant. I learned the hard way that keto constipation is real! One of the ways I combat that is including veggies in every keto meal I eat. For breastfeeding, leafy greens such as spinach and kale provide calcium and other essential nutrients that are easier for the body to absorb from this source.

The most comprehensive guide that I recommend to educate yourself on the best keto practices for optimal weight-loss is the keto challenge. The keto way of eating is more than a diet. Its a lifestyle change. Educating yourself on all there is to know about keto is important. Let’s learn together and lose this weight together. Keto on!

keto while breastfeeding. boost your milk supply
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